緣路山旮旯 - 2021
阿厚,年廿八,屬 IT,樣貌「毒」突,一直謹守單身崗位至今只失守一次。



Far Far Away - 2021
Indie writer-director Amos Why (Dot 2 Dot, Napping Kid) literally traveled to the far-flung corners of Hong Kong for this sweet coming-of-age romantic comedy.

After years as a prominent sidekick, Kaki Shum finally gets his first crack at playing the lead. A computer- savvy Casanova to boot, with his turn as a 28-year-old I.T. geek who suddenly finds himself the object of affection for five attractive women within the same year. The quintet share virtually no similar traits except one quirky thing: they all live in remote corners of Hong Kong.

Seeing our heartthrob’s struggles in getting there’s half the fun, though: all that travelling allows Why to offer his audience a chance to see and appreciate parts of the city they rarely get to experience.
Director: Amos Why
Cast: Kaki Shum, Jennifer Yu
Duration: 100mins