燈亮時 – 2018
這個世界並不完美,生命總有瑕疵。更遑論有些人看不見、說不到、走不動。 視障人士Joanna和King面對不能逆轉的視力衰退,內心一直耿耿於懷;自小已聽不見聲音的包包無法用言語跟人溝通,卻希望有朝一日用說話感動他人;因大腦麻痺症而要坐輪椅的Hazel長期忍受身體痛楚,更一度失去人生方向。四人的生命不乏困難與障礙,卻共同覓得一個釋放自己的出口--「演出」,讓他們有力量繼續走下去 。 本片紀錄這四位來自糊塗戲班「無障礙劇團」的成員,看看他們如何透過專業的戲劇培訓及演出綵排,踏上台板。在舞台燈亮的一剎,映照出他們心中的夢想。

Light Up – 2018
The world is full of flaws; life is far-from-perfect. It is all the more challenging for people with disabilities. Joanna and King are facing their darkness, as they are losing their eyesight bit by bit. Baobao is hearing-impaired since birth, she cannot communicate with the others but her greatest desire is to speak and express herself. Hazel has cerebral palsy and cannot walk; even though wheelchair can replace her legs, she is fed up with the prolonged pain. Life is strenuous, but Joanna, King, Baobao and Hazel rediscovered the passion for life when they embarked on a journey to the theatre stage, making the impossible possible. Light Up is a documentary about the struggle of the four protagonists against their personal restraints in the Hand in Hand Capable Theatre, witnessing how they made their way to the stage after difficult but ultimately positive training and rehearsals.
Director: Deniece Law
Duration: 73mins
Category: I