七月返歸 – 2023
自幼有陰陽眼、不斷受朋輩排擠的向榮(Anson Kong 飾),某日收到母親(白靈 飾)自殺不遂入院的消息,被迫從加拿大返回香港,並回到舊居暫住。
回到兒時熟悉的地方,再一次見到鬼的向榮發現,這裡氣氛詭異、怪事連連,似乎正發生驚人的變化!居於同層的街坊鍾伯(太保 飾)與鍾婆(譚玉瑛 飾)亦行為怪異。夜半,樓上七樓總傳來古怪聲響,迫使向榮到上層一探究竟。一連串疑幻疑真的離奇事件相繼發生,令他陷入崩潰邊緣⋯⋯

Back Home - 2023
Heung Wing has been sensitive to paranormal activity and keeps seeing ghosts since he was a kid, which is called having “Yin Yang” eyes. To avoid being bothered by the ghosts, he pretends to be ignorant even though he knew their existence. When he gets older, he escapes from Hong Kong to Canada because of his miserable childhood.
One day, Heung Wing has been told that his mother is in coma by committing suicide, which forces him to return back to Hong Kong. When he goes back to the old home, everything looks strange and unfamiliar to him. What's more horrifying is, a series of suicide cases happen in his neighbourhood, and ghosts start to appear in front of him again. The situation is deteriorating beyond his imagination...
Director: Nate Ki
Duration: 102mins
Category: IIB