全個世界都有電話 – 2023
故事線一:設計師阿哲忘記得帶智能手機外 出,也忘記午餐聚會的祕密餐館地址,他不知所措。
故事線二:女強人Ana與電話騙徒聊天,不單聊出她的同情心,甚至還 聊出她丈夫犯法的罪證。
故事線三:經紀人Raymond的手機被 駭客入侵,而他的女兒透過手機向宅男騙財。
三個主角其實遠在 25 年前(1997 年)暑假,聯袂購買了人生 一部手機,並將自己對未來的憧憬,透過SMS互傳給對方收藏 他們傳給對方的訊息,就像時間膠囊一樣。他們約定在 2022 吃飯敘舊,揭曉當初傳給對方的訊息。最後,他們三人都因自 己的智能手機,經歷了不平凡的一天,也為自己的人生找到了新意義。

Everyphone Everywhere - 2023
Story 1: Chit, a graphic designer who lives on an outlying island in Hong Kong, forgets to bring his phone when he leaves home to head into the city. Unfortunately, he is unable to recall the location of his lunch date with his high school classmates, and it is too late to return home to retrieve it. Feeling lost and defeated, he must find a way to contact his classmates in order to obtain the address of the restaurant.
Story 2: Female executive Ana gets a WhatsApp message from a scam artist; she was originally hostile, but their conversation turns out to be surprisingly simpatico. Through this conversation, she even finds out information about her husband’s infidelities and criminal activities.
Story 3: Raymond, a real estate agent, has his phone hacked, and worries that sensitive information about his business affairs might be leaked, and plans to escape the authorities. At the same time, his daughter tries to scam and ‘catfish’ a computer nerd.
Director: Amos WHY
Duration: 90mins
Category: IIB